Table of Contents¶
Notebook Overview¶
This notebook is part of coursework for the Machine Learning Paradigms module at the University of Bristol. This notebook is accompanied by a report.
Competition Description¶
Kaggle Link
The goal of this assignment is to predict the number of available bicycles in all rental stations 3 hours in advance. There are at least two use cases for such predictions. First, a user plans to rent (or return) a bike in 3 hours' time and wants to choose a bike station which is not empty (or full). Second, the company wants to avoid situations where a station is empty or full and therefore needs to move bikes between stations. For this purpose, they need to know which stations are more likely to be empty or full soon.
The assignment will be organised by 3 phases. During each phase you will be given a particular task. You can earn different proportions of the marks by finishing these phases step by step.
Library Imports¶
import pandas as pd
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sb
import folium as fl
from folium.plugins import HeatMap
from mlxtend.feature_selection import SequentialFeatureSelector as SFS
from mlxtend.plotting import plot_sequential_feature_selection as plot_sfs
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
from PIL import Image
import geopy.distance
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
from sklearn.tree import plot_tree
import as px
# Option to suppress warnings
import warnings
pd.set_option('mode.chained_assignment', None)
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning)
Phase 1¶
Competition Description¶
In this phase, you will be given the data of 75 stations (Station 201 to Station 275) for the period of one month. The task is to predict availability for each station for the next 3 months.
There are two approaches for this task:
- Train a separate model for each station.
- Train a single model on all stations together.
Implement your models based on both approaches and check which approach is better. Investigate and discuss the results.
This phase is broken into the following sections:
In the Data Loading section, functions are created that load station data into a pandas dataframe.
In the Data Analysis section, the data is visualised and discussed.
In the Preprocessing section, functions are created to convert the dataframe into a suitable form for modelling.
In the Feature Selection section, functions are implemented for feature selection.
In the Modelling section, a linear regression model is fit to the dataframe(s).
In the Outputs and Evaluation section, functions to perform all tasks are created alongside csv generation and evaluation of the models.
Data Loading¶
The below code allows for either station x, or stations x to y to be loaded.
The function can be called as load_training_data(x) or load_training_data(x, y) where x and y are integers between 1 and 275.
# Function for loading training data, takes either a single station or the start and end number of stations
def load_training_data(first_station: int, last_station=0):
# Checks values input are integer
except ValueError:
print("Please input an integer for stations to load")
sys.exit("Error during load_training_data")
# If no second station is provided, set last_station to be equal to first_station
if last_station==0:
# If the stations are input in incorrectly, output an error
if last_station<first_station:
print("Make sure last station is larger or equal to first station")
sys.exit("Error during load_training_data")
# Checks if an invalid value is input
if first_station< 1:
print("Stations start at 1")
sys.exit("Error during load_training_data")
if last_station> 275:
print("Stations only go up to 275")
sys.exit("Error during load_training_data")
#Create an empty dataframe
# Iterates over every station
for i in range(first_station, last_station+1):
# Enabled all stations to be read if necessary (different format for 1-200 and 201-275)
if i<=200:
# Joins the DF with the new loaded station, dropping the index. Stations are added in order of station number.
df = pd.concat([df, pd.read_csv(f"Train/station_{str(i)}_deploy_full.csv")], ignore_index=True)
if i>200:
# Joins the DF with the new loaded station, dropping the index. Stations are added in order of station number.
df = pd.concat([df, pd.read_csv(f"Train/station_{str(i)}_deploy.csv")], ignore_index=True)
return df
# Uncomment the below code to test
# load_training_data(201, 275)
As the weekday column is alphanumerical, it needs to be converted to a numerical representation.
The selected method for this was to create a dataframe column for each weekday and input a 1 in the column representing the weekday to depict this numerically.
This is essentially a simple vectorisation.
Chen and Flach (2015) suggested normalising the bikes 3 hours ago, short profile bikes, and short profile 3h diff bikes, by dividing the values by the total number of docks; this has been implemented; this was also extended to include full pofile values. This function manipulates the values in-place.
A function has also been created to normalise the number of bikes by the number of docks, resulting in a percentage output that later can be multiplied by the number of docks for a station to calculate the number of bikes. The normalisation of the target variable's impact can be evaluated through this method as it manipulates the values in-place.
The handle_na function implements ways to handle NA values, at present it drops any NA values until methods are created to handle each column individually.
# Uncomment the below code to see the datatypes in the dataframe
# Takes a dataframe and creates columns to represent weekdays as numbers
def convert_weekdays(df):
# Convert weekdays to lowercase, to prevent potential missed data
df['weekday'] = df['weekday'].str.lower()
# Create a column for each weekday and set the value to either 0 or 1, based on if it meets the weekday criteria
df['monday'] = (df['weekday'] == 'monday').astype(int)
df['tuesday'] = (df['weekday'] == 'tuesday').astype(int)
df['wednesday'] = (df['weekday'] == 'wednesday').astype(int)
df['thursday'] = (df['weekday'] == 'thursday').astype(int)
df['friday'] = (df['weekday'] == 'friday').astype(int)
df['saturday'] = (df['weekday'] == 'saturday').astype(int)
df['sunday'] = (df['weekday'] == 'sunday').astype(int)
# Drop the weekday column
df.drop(columns=['weekday'], inplace=True)
# Fill the NaN values in case an entry didn't have a weekday in it
df[['monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday', 'sunday' ]] = df[['monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday', 'sunday' ]].fillna(0)
# If weekdays cannot be found, it outputs an error as all stations should contain this value
except KeyError:
print("DataFrame does not contain weekday column")
sys.exit("Error during convert_weekdays")
return df
# Uncomment the below code to test the above function
# convert_weekdays(load_training_data(200))
# Takes a dataframe and normalises the bike profile variables
def normalise_bike_profiles(df):
# Divides each column value by the number of docks and stores it in-place
df['bikes_3h_ago'] = df['bikes_3h_ago']/df['numDocks']
df['full_profile_3h_diff_bikes'] = df['full_profile_3h_diff_bikes']/df['numDocks']
df['full_profile_bikes'] = df['full_profile_bikes']/df['numDocks']
df['short_profile_3h_diff_bikes'] = df['short_profile_3h_diff_bikes']/df['numDocks']
df['short_profile_bikes'] = df['short_profile_bikes']/df['numDocks']
# If a column isn't found it returns an error, as all stations should have these values
except KeyError:
print("DataFrame does not contain bike profiles columns")
sys.exit("Error during normalise_bike_profiles")
return df
# Uncomment the below code to test the above function
# normalise_bike_profiles(load_training_data(200))
# Takes a dataframe and normalises the bikes
def normalise_bikes(df):
# Assumes there are no 0 docks, as that would be a redundant station.
df['bikes'] = df['bikes']/df['numDocks']
# If a column isn't found it returns an error, as all stations should have these values
except KeyError:
print("DataFrame does not contain bike or docks column(s)")
sys.exit("Error during normalise_bikes")
return df
# Uncomment the below code to test the above function
# normalise_bikes(load_training_data(200))
def handle_na(df):
return df.dropna()
# Uncomment the below code to test the above function
# Function to perform all pre-processing steps at once
def preprocessing(df, handlena=True):
if handlena:
df = handle_na(df)
df = convert_weekdays(df)
df = normalise_bike_profiles(df)
df = normalise_bikes(df)
return df
# Uncomment the below code to test the above function
# preprocessing(load_training_data(200))
Data Analysis¶
The below functions can be used to give insight into the dataframe by visualising the correlation of the data, statistically describing the dataframe, providing an average of each station, and producing a geographic map of the stations with of average usage.
# Function to get the correlation of the dataframe, must have a dataframe passed to it. If True is also passed it will output the matrix and save it
def correlation_matrix(df, show=False):
# Uses pandas corr() to get correlation matrix
# If the function is called to show the function
if show:
# Sets figure size
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
# Plots the heatmap, with 1 and -1 as boundaries and annotations. FMT rounds the values in the figure
plot=sb.heatmap(correlation, cmap="YlGnBu",vmin=-1, vmax=1, annot=True, fmt=".2f")
# Adds a title
plot.set_title('Correlation Heatmap', fontdict={'fontsize':18}, pad=12)
# Saves the map as heatmap.png for later viewing.
plt.savefig('heatmap.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
return correlation
# Uncomment this code to test the above functions
# correlation_matrix(convert_weekdays(load_training_data(201,275)), True)
# Function to get numeric descriptions of the dataframe, must have a dataframe passed to it. If True is also passed it will output the data and save it
def describe_dataframe(df, show=False):
# Uses pandas describe to get numerical values
# If the function is called to show the function
if show:
# Outputs the dataframe
# Saves it to a CSV
return description
# Uncomment this code to test the above functions
# describe_dataframe(convert_weekdays(load_training_data(201,275)), True)
# Function to get averages for stations in the dataframe, must have a dataframe passed to it. If True is also passed it will output the data and save it
def average_bikes(df, show=False):
# Uses pandas groupby and mean to get the averages for each station
if show:
# Outputs the dataframe
# Saves it to a CSV
return average
# Uncomment this code to test the above functions
# average_bikes(convert_weekdays(load_training_data(201,275)), True)
# Function to get show a geographical heatmap for stations in the dataframe, must have a dataframe passed to it. If True is also passed it will output the map and save it
def geographic_view(df, show=False):
# Creates a map in Valencia
map_view = fl.Map(location=[39.46975, -0.37739], zoom_start=12)
# Adds markers to the heatmap for every station
for index, row in df.iterrows():
fl.Marker([row['latitude'], row['longitude']], popup=f"Average bikes: {row['bikes']}").add_to(map_view)
# Creates heatmap data for the markers, using green to red for high to low values
heat_data = [[row['latitude'], row['longitude'], row['bikes']] for index, row in df.iterrows()]
HeatMap(heat_data, gradient={0.3: 'green', 0.6: 'yellow', 0.9:'red'}, radius=30, blur=10).add_to(map_view)
if show:
# Saves the map'bike_rental_map.html')
return map_view
# Uncomment this code to test the above functions
# geographic_view(average_bikes(preprocessing(load_training_data(201,275)), False))
# Function to perform all data_analysis steps at once
def data_analysis(df, show=False):
correlation_matrix(df, show)
describe_dataframe(df, show)
geographic_view(average_bikes(df, show), show)
# Uncomment the below code to test the above function
data_analysis(preprocessing(load_training_data(201, 275)), True)
station latitude longitude numDocks timestamp \ count 42600.000000 42600.000000 42600.000000 42600.00000 4.260000e+04 mean 238.000000 39.471010 -0.372940 19.56000 1.413765e+09 std 21.648965 0.013061 0.023094 5.70209 5.950482e+05 min 201.000000 39.444093 -0.409316 14.00000 1.412730e+09 25% 219.000000 39.462808 -0.393181 15.00000 1.413251e+09 50% 238.000000 39.469844 -0.375973 20.00000 1.413765e+09 75% 257.000000 39.480591 -0.354640 20.00000 1.414275e+09 max 275.000000 39.495034 -0.328902 40.00000 1.414793e+09 year month day hour weekhour ... \ count 42600.0 42600.0 42600.000000 42600.00000 42600.000000 ... mean 2014.0 10.0 19.610915 11.59331 84.593310 ... std 0.0 0.0 6.873305 6.87920 46.089231 ... min 2014.0 10.0 8.000000 0.00000 1.000000 ... 25% 2014.0 10.0 14.000000 6.00000 48.000000 ... 50% 2014.0 10.0 20.000000 12.00000 85.000000 ... 75% 2014.0 10.0 26.000000 18.00000 121.000000 ... max 2014.0 10.0 31.000000 23.00000 168.000000 ... short_profile_3h_diff_bikes short_profile_bikes bikes \ count 42600.000000 42600.000000 42600.000000 mean 0.000004 0.392049 0.395875 std 0.219118 0.286342 0.318846 min -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 25% -0.087500 0.140351 0.100000 50% 0.000000 0.350000 0.333333 75% 0.088889 0.600000 0.666667 max 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday \ count 42600.000000 42600.000000 42600.000000 42600.000000 42600.000000 mean 0.126761 0.125000 0.163732 0.167254 0.165493 std 0.332708 0.330723 0.370037 0.373206 0.371629 min 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 25% 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 50% 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 75% 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 max 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 saturday sunday count 42600.000000 42600.000000 mean 0.126761 0.125000 std 0.332708 0.330723 min 0.000000 0.000000 25% 0.000000 0.000000 50% 0.000000 0.000000 75% 0.000000 0.000000 max 1.000000 1.000000 [8 rows x 31 columns] latitude longitude numDocks timestamp year month \ station 201 39.478178 -0.383541 27.0 1.413765e+09 2014.0 10.0 202 39.479857 -0.379839 15.0 1.413765e+09 2014.0 10.0 203 39.476715 -0.375433 25.0 1.413765e+09 2014.0 10.0 204 39.474323 -0.370021 25.0 1.413765e+09 2014.0 10.0 205 39.470784 -0.382701 15.0 1.413765e+09 2014.0 10.0 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 271 39.463440 -0.409316 20.0 1.413765e+09 2014.0 10.0 272 39.490257 -0.406462 18.0 1.413765e+09 2014.0 10.0 273 39.494136 -0.406020 16.0 1.413765e+09 2014.0 10.0 274 39.480591 -0.332281 15.0 1.413765e+09 2014.0 10.0 275 39.450273 -0.333363 15.0 1.413765e+09 2014.0 10.0 day hour weekhour isHoliday ... \ station ... 201 19.610915 11.59331 84.59331 0.082746 ... 202 19.610915 11.59331 84.59331 0.082746 ... 203 19.610915 11.59331 84.59331 0.082746 ... 204 19.610915 11.59331 84.59331 0.082746 ... 205 19.610915 11.59331 84.59331 0.082746 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 271 19.610915 11.59331 84.59331 0.082746 ... 272 19.610915 11.59331 84.59331 0.082746 ... 273 19.610915 11.59331 84.59331 0.082746 ... 274 19.610915 11.59331 84.59331 0.082746 ... 275 19.610915 11.59331 84.59331 0.082746 ... short_profile_3h_diff_bikes short_profile_bikes bikes monday \ station 201 0.001712 0.143660 0.163993 0.126761 202 0.004646 0.233382 0.259859 0.126761 203 -0.000035 0.165352 0.163662 0.126761 204 0.001174 0.223867 0.278380 0.126761 205 0.002944 0.220100 0.261972 0.126761 ... ... ... ... ... 271 0.000587 0.325572 0.273063 0.126761 272 0.000807 0.388180 0.573063 0.126761 273 0.001284 0.357220 0.451364 0.126761 274 -0.002690 0.762109 0.707864 0.126761 275 -0.002543 0.712500 0.720540 0.126761 tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday station 201 0.125 0.163732 0.167254 0.165493 0.126761 0.125 202 0.125 0.163732 0.167254 0.165493 0.126761 0.125 203 0.125 0.163732 0.167254 0.165493 0.126761 0.125 204 0.125 0.163732 0.167254 0.165493 0.126761 0.125 205 0.125 0.163732 0.167254 0.165493 0.126761 0.125 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 271 0.125 0.163732 0.167254 0.165493 0.126761 0.125 272 0.125 0.163732 0.167254 0.165493 0.126761 0.125 273 0.125 0.163732 0.167254 0.165493 0.126761 0.125 274 0.125 0.163732 0.167254 0.165493 0.126761 0.125 275 0.125 0.163732 0.167254 0.165493 0.126761 0.125 [75 rows x 30 columns]
Feature Selection¶
This section creates feature selection functions; these are feature_filtering using correlation, and feature_wrapping using forward selection; Embedded feature selection can be seen in Modelling with the Lasso method. A function that identifies the selected features of both methods is also created.
# Function that takes a dataframe and optional cutoff point
# Returns all features that have a correlation score above the cutofff point
def feature_filtering(df, cutoff=0.5):
correlation = correlation_matrix(df, False)
# uses absolute value to allow for negative correlation
correlation = correlation[abs((correlation['bikes'])>=cutoff)]
# Drops the bikes index
correlation = correlation.drop(['bikes'])
return correlation.index.tolist()
# # Uncomment the below code for testing
# feature_filtering(preprocessing(load_training_data(201, 275)))
def feature_wrapping(df, show=False):
# Creates test and training data out of the passed dataframes
X = df.drop(columns=['bikes'])
y = df['bikes']
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test= train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=1)
# Creates a forward selection using the mlxtend library
forward = SFS(LinearRegression(), k_features=(1, X.shape[1]), forward=True, floating=False, scoring = 'r2', cv = 0)
# Creates a scalar pipeline to go through each feature
pipe = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), forward)
# Fits the pipeline to the data, y_train)
#Outputs a graph of the feature results
if show:
fig = plot_sfs(forward.get_metric_dict(), kind='std_dev', figsize=(20,10))
plt.title('Sequential Forward Selection (w. StdDev)')
plt.savefig('forward.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
# Goes through each result of the forward selector, identifying the last accuracy score
# Then checks if the next result has an accuracy score is at least 0.01 bigger
# this prevents the model from being too greedy with the amount of features.
for i in results_dict:
if round(results_dict[i]['avg_score'],2) > last_avg_score:
for i in feature_indx:
return features
# Uncomment the below code for testing
# feature_wrapping(preprocessing(load_training_data(201, 275)), True)
# A function that combines the results of both feature selection methods
# If greedy = true (default) it combines the union of the lists
# else it returns the intersect
def feature_selection(df, greedy=True, cutoff=0.5):
wrapping = feature_wrapping(df)
filtering = feature_filtering(df, cutoff)
if greedy:
features = list(set(wrapping) & set(filtering))
return features
# Uncomment the below code for testing
# feature_selection(preprocessing(load_training_data(201, 275)), False)
# feature_selection(preprocessing(load_training_data(201, 275)))
This section creates a single function requires a dataframe and the optional arguments of approach, selection, and cutoff. The function will fit the data to either all test values or to each individual station, then will select the features to fit to based on user input. The user can modify the feature filtering approach using the cutoff parameter.
# Defines the function which takes:
# a dataframe for testing (required)
# an approach type (optional), 'single' trains the model on all training data and 'separate' trains the model on each station
# a feature selection type (optional), 'filtering' implements feature filtering, 'wrapping' implements feature wrapping, 'combination' implements the union of both, 'combination-intersect' implements the intersect of both, and 'lasso' implements embedded feature selection
# a cutoff value (optional), this modifies the correlation levels required for feature filtering
def modelling(df, approach="single", selection="filtering", cutoff=0.5):
# Reads the csv file of test data
# Creates a bikes column to enable preprocessing
# Preprocesses to vectorise days of the week, but does not drop NA values
test=preprocessing(test, False)
# For every approach, the features are generated using the respective feature selection method
# then the model is created and fit to the training dataframe using only the features and the bikes column
# the model_results are then created by predicting using the model and the selected features
if approach=="single":
if selection=="filtering":
features=feature_filtering(df, cutoff=cutoff)
model=LinearRegression()[features], df['bikes'])
elif selection=="wrapping":
model=LinearRegression()[features], df['bikes'])
elif selection=="combination":
features=feature_selection(df, cutoff=cutoff)
model=LinearRegression()[features], df['bikes'])
elif selection=="combination-intersect":
features=feature_selection(df, False)
model=LinearRegression()[features], df['bikes'])
elif selection=="lasso":
model=Lasso()[features], df['bikes'])
print("Incorrect selection type")
sys.exit("Error during modelling")
model_results = model.predict(test[features])
elif approach=="separate":
# For every station in the test data it creates a model
for station in list(test['station'].unique()):
if selection=="filtering":
features=feature_filtering(station_df, cutoff=cutoff)
model=LinearRegression()[features], station_df['bikes'])
elif selection=="wrapping":
model=LinearRegression()[features], station_df['bikes'])
elif selection=="combination":
features=feature_selection(station_df, cutoff=cutoff)
model=LinearRegression()[features], station_df['bikes'])
elif selection=="combination-intersect":
features=feature_selection(station_df, False)
model=LinearRegression()[features], station_df['bikes'])
elif selection=="lasso":
model=Lasso()[features], station_df['bikes'])
print("Incorrect selection type")
sys.exit("Error during modelling")
print("Incorrect approach type")
sys.exit("Error during modelling")
# Creates a dataframe from the results, then turns the % of bikes to real numbers and rounds to 0 to make the values whole numbers
# The results are output as a dataframe stating the type of model created
results_df = pd.DataFrame({
'Id': list(test['Id']),
'bikes': model_results
results_df = results_df.set_index('Id')
results_df = results_df.round(0)
# Uncomment the below code to test the above function
# modelling(preprocessing(load_training_data(201, 275)))
Outputs and Evaluation¶
This section contains the code for generating all the models in Phase 1, alongside a quick analysis of the results.
Uncomment any models you wish to generate the predictions for.
#modelling(preprocessing(load_training_data(201, 275)))
#modelling(preprocessing(load_training_data(201, 275)), selection='wrapping')
#modelling(preprocessing(load_training_data(201, 275)), selection='combination-intersect')
#modelling(preprocessing(load_training_data(201, 275)), selection='combination')
#modelling(preprocessing(load_training_data(201, 275)), selection='lasso')
#modelling(preprocessing(load_training_data(201, 275)), approach='separate', cutoff=0.3)
#modelling(preprocessing(load_training_data(201, 275)), approach='separate', selection='wrapping')
#modelling(preprocessing(load_training_data(201, 275)), approach='separate', selection='combination', cutoff=0.2)
# The below model cannot run on combined without a cutoff of 0
#modelling(preprocessing(load_training_data(201, 275)), approach='separate', selection='combination-intersect', cutoff=0)
#modelling(preprocessing(load_training_data(201, 275)), approach='separate', selection='lasso')
# Results manually input from kaggle competition MAE
'Index': ['single', 'separate'],
'Filtering': [2.656, 5.45422],
'Wrapping': [2.33777, 1286.77866],
'Combination': [2.36533, 1294.01244],
'Combination-intersect': [2.61244, None],
'LASSO': [5.37866, 8.62933]
results.set_index('Index', inplace=True)
Filtering | Wrapping | Combination | Combination-intersect | LASSO | |
Index | |||||
single | 2.65600 | 2.33777 | 2.36533 | 2.61244 | 5.37866 |
separate | 5.45422 | 1286.77866 | 1294.01244 | NaN | 8.62933 |
# The below image can be accessed through the datalore 'statistics' section of the above viewed dataframe
img ='phase1stats.png')
Phase 2¶
Competition Description¶
Now you will be given a set of linear models trained on other stations (Station 1 to Station 200) with the training data from a whole year. Although these models are not trained on the stations to be predicted, they can still be used since there should be some similarity among different stations. To successfully use these models can help reuse the knowledge learned from a whole year's data.
The task then is to figure out how to predict the stations in Phase 1 by only using these trained models. Investigate the resulting performances and compare to your own classifiers in Phase 1.
(The pre-trained linear models are given by
This phase is broken into the following sections:
In the Model Loading section, a function loads all pre-trained models into a dictionary of dataframes.
In the Model Creation section, a function is created to take multiple models and output a cumulative model.
In the Model Selection section, functions are created to select the best model for a station.
In the Outputs and Evaluation section, functions to perform all tasks are created alongside csv generation and evaluation of the models.
Model Loading¶
This section creates a function to load every pre-trained model into a dictionary, on function call the dictionary is returned.
# The function takes no arguments and returns a dictionary of dictionaries containing dataframes
def model_loader():
# Creates an empty dictionary
# For every station (as they are numbered 1 to 200) create a dictionary using the station number, then store each csv in it
# the dictionary's first key is the station, and second key is the model's name from the csv.
for i in range(1, 201):
return models
# Uncomment the below code for testing
# model_loader()
Model Creation¶
This section creates a function for turning a list of models into a single cumulative model, and a function for producing a cumulative model from all the pre-trained models.
# This function takes a list of dataframes and returns a single dataframe
def cumulative_model(models_list):
model_values=pd.DataFrame(columns=['feature', 'weight'])
for model in models_list:
return model_values
except KeyError:
print("One or more models are not in correct format")
sys.exit("Error cumulative_model")
# Uncomment the below code to test the above function
# cumulative_model([model_loader()[1]['full'], model_loader()[2]['full']]))
# As this function is specifically for the pretrained models, it implements model_loader rather than having parameters
def cumulative_pretrained_models():
# Loads the pre-trained models and creates an empty list for the new models
models = model_loader()
models_list = dict()
# Essentially transposes the models array, setting the model type as the key and the station specific models as the inner dictionary
for i in models[1].keys():
models_list[i] = [v.get(i, None) for v in models.values()]
# Creates an empty dictionary for the cumulative models
# For every model type (full, short, etc.) pass the list of models to cumulative_models and store the resulting model in the dictionary, using model name as the key
for i in models_list:
return cum_models_list
# Uncomment the below code to test the above function
# cumulative_pretrained_models()
Model Selection¶
This section creates a functions for unpacking pre-trained models, creating custom linear models, and selecting the best pre-trained model for each station. get_model_details converts a pre-trained model into its features, coefficients, and intercept. custom_linearmodel creates a sklearn LinearRegression object using the passed coefficients and intercepts. model_selector implements every pre-trained model on every station to identify the best model for them.
# This function takes a dataframe and returns the features, coefficients, and intercept of the pre-trained model passed to it
def get_model_details(df):
# The features are calculated from the feature column, then intercept is omitted
features = list(df['feature'])
# The coefficients are produced from the weight column, with the first value representing the intercept
coefficients = df['weight'].to_numpy()
intercept= coefficients[0]
# If the dataframe does not contain features and weights, an error is output
except KeyError:
print("One or more pre-trained models are not in correct format")
sys.exit("Error in get_model_details")
return features, coefficients, intercept
# Uncomment the below code to test the above function
# get_model_details(pd.DataFrame({'feature':['(Intercept)','Test'], 'weight': [1,1]}))
# This function takes the coefficients and intercept for a model, then returns a LinearRegression object with those values
def custom_linearmodel(coefficients, intercept):
reg.coef_= coefficients
return reg
# Uncomment the below code to test the above function
# custom_linearmodel([1,2],3)
# The function takes no arguments and returns a dictionary of each station's optimum model
def model_selector():
# Get all training stations
df = preprocessing(load_training_data(201, 275))
# Creates an empty dictionary and loads the pre-trained models using the model_loader
# For every station in the dataframe, the function finds the optimal model
for station in list(df['station'].unique()):
# Sets the current stations dataframe
# Sets the initial r2 value, this is negative incase the best model still has a bad fit
r2 = -100
# Creates an empty dataframe for the model to be stored in
# Goes through every pretrained station and every model within it
for pretrained_station in models:
for model in models[pretrained_station]:
# Gets the features, coefficients, and intercept of the model
features, coefficients, intercept = get_model_details(models[pretrained_station][model])
# Gets the features to predict
# Gets the target values for scoring
# predicts using a custom model on the values gathered above
y_pred = custom_linearmodel(coefficients, intercept).predict(station_df_x)
# Sets a new r2 score, then checks if this is higher than r2. If the score is higher, then new model is stored and r2 is updated
new_r2 = r2_score(station_df_y, y_pred)
if new_r2 > r2:
return station_models
# Uncomment the below code to test the above function
# model_selector(preprocessing(load_training_data(201, 275)))
This section creates a single function that has the optional arguments of mode and cum_type. The function will either predict all the test data based on one of the cumulative models (identified by cum_type), or fit every station to using their best pre-trained model.
# The function has two optional arguments, and doesn't return any values; instead, the results are output as a csv file.
def pretrained_modelling(mode="cumulative", cum_type='full'):
# Reads the csv file of test data
# Creates a bikes column to enable preprocessing
# Preprocesses to vectorise days of the week, but does not drop NA values
test=preprocessing(test, False)
# If the mode is cumulative, it loads the cumulative pretrained models and uses the specific version to predict the test data
if mode=='cumulative':
models= cumulative_pretrained_models()
features, coefficients, intercept = get_model_details(models[cum_type])
model = custom_linearmodel(coefficients, intercept)
model_results= model.predict(test[features])
# If the mode is specific, model_selector is called and then every station in test.csv is predicted based on the optimal model
elif mode=='specific':
for station in list(test['station'].unique()):
features, coefficients, intercept = get_model_details(models[station])
model = custom_linearmodel(coefficients, intercept)
print("Incorrect mode input")
sys.exit("Error during pretrained_modelling")
# Creates a dataframe from the results, then turns the % of bikes to real numbers and rounds to 0 to make the values whole numbers
# The results are output as a dataframe stating the type of model created
results_df = pd.DataFrame({
'Id': list(test['Id']),
'bikes': model_results
results_df = results_df.set_index('Id')
results_df = results_df.round(0)
# Uncomment the below code to test the above function
# pretrained_modelling('specific')
Outputs and Evaluation¶
This section contains the code for generating all the models in Phase 2, alongside a quick analysis of the results.
Uncomment any models you wish to generate the predictions for.
# Results manually input from kaggle competition MAE
'Index': ['Results'],
'Cumulative full': [3.52444],
'Cumulative full-temp': [4.54844],
'Cumulative short': [12.27466],
'Cumulative short-temp': [13.72177],
'Cumulative short-full': [3.77777],
'Cumulative short-full-temp': [4.62222],
'Cumulative specific': [2.23377]
results.set_index('Index', inplace=True)
Cumulative full | Cumulative full-temp | Cumulative short | Cumulative short-temp | Cumulative short-full | Cumulative short-full-temp | Cumulative specific | |
Index | |||||||
Results | 3.52444 | 4.54844 | 12.27466 | 13.72177 | 3.77777 | 4.62222 | 2.23377 |
Merging Best Methods¶
This section implements the model selector from phase 2, with the cumulative feature wrapping from phase 1 to try and maximise efficiency; however, this resulted in slightly worse results than the two models individually. Due to the methods used in phases 1 and 2, a vector regressor could not be implemented.
# The function takes no arguments and returns a dictionary of each station's optimum model
def improved_model_selector():
# Get all training stations
df = preprocessing(load_training_data(201, 275))
# Creates an empty dictionary and loads the pre-trained models using the model_loader
#Performs wrapping cumulatively
# For every station in the dataframe, the function finds the optimal model
for station in list(df['station'].unique()):
# Sets the current stations dataframe
# Sets the initial r2 value, this is negative incase the best model still has a bad fit
r2 = -100
# Creates an empty dataframe for the model to be stored in
# Goes through every pretrained station and every model within it
for pretrained_station in models:
for model in models[pretrained_station]:
# Gets the features, coefficients, and intercept of the model
features, coefficients, intercept = get_model_details(models[pretrained_station][model])
# Gets the features to predict
# Gets the target values for scoring
# predicts using a custom model on the values gathered above
y_pred = custom_linearmodel(coefficients, intercept).predict(station_df_x)
# Sets a new r2 score, then checks if this is higher than r2. If the score is higher, then new model is stored and r2 is updated
new_r2 = r2_score(station_df_y, y_pred)
if new_r2 > r2:
# Then check wrapping, taken from Phase 2 modelling
station_df_y=station_df['bikes'][wrapping_features], station_df['bikes'])
y_pred = model.predict(station_df_x)
new_r2 = r2_score(station_df_y, y_pred)
if new_r2 > r2:
# Added way to convert model to values, could be stand-alone function
features_list = ['(Intercept)']
coef_list = [model.intercept_]
station_models[station]=pd.DataFrame({'feature': features_list,
'weight': coef_list
return station_models
# Uncomment the below code to test the above function
# improved_model_selector()
# The function has two optional arguments, and doesn't return any values; instead, the results are output as a csv file.
def improved_pretrained_modelling():
# Reads the csv file of test data
# Creates a bikes column to enable preprocessing
# Preprocesses to vectorise days of the week, but does not drop NA values
test=preprocessing(test, False)
# If the mode is cumulative, it loads the cumulative pretrained models and uses the specific version to predict the test data
# If the mode is specific, model_selector is called and then every station in test.csv is predicted based on the optimal model
for station in list(test['station'].unique()):
features, coefficients, intercept = get_model_details(models[station])
model = custom_linearmodel(coefficients, intercept)
# Creates a dataframe from the results, then turns the % of bikes to real numbers and rounds to 0 to make the values whole numbers
# The results are output as a dataframe stating the type of model created
results_df = pd.DataFrame({
'Id': list(test['Id']),
'bikes': model_results
results_df = results_df.set_index('Id')
results_df = results_df.round(0)
# Uncomment the below code to test the above function
# improved_pretrained_modelling()
Exploring Location¶
In this section location is explored further; however, it was found that manipulating location did not yield impactful results. First the geography of all stations is visualised, before functions are created to find the distance to the centre of the points, the average distance to the nearest k stations, and the amount of stations within k kilometers. The results of these transformations are depicted in a correlation matrix, and the new dataframes are implemented in feature wrapping to check if the new features are suitable for models.
geographic_view(average_bikes(preprocessing(load_training_data(1,275)), True))
latitude longitude numDocks timestamp year month \ station 1 39.476803 -0.380379 20.0 1.413454e+09 2014.0 10.0 2 39.476863 -0.371231 15.0 1.413454e+09 2014.0 10.0 3 39.472766 -0.384174 15.0 1.413454e+09 2014.0 10.0 4 39.474840 -0.379276 20.0 1.413454e+09 2014.0 10.0 5 39.474288 -0.375175 23.0 1.413454e+09 2014.0 10.0 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 271 39.463440 -0.409316 20.0 1.413765e+09 2014.0 10.0 272 39.490257 -0.406462 18.0 1.413765e+09 2014.0 10.0 273 39.494136 -0.406020 16.0 1.413765e+09 2014.0 10.0 274 39.480591 -0.332281 15.0 1.413765e+09 2014.0 10.0 275 39.450273 -0.333363 15.0 1.413765e+09 2014.0 10.0 day hour weekhour isHoliday ... \ station ... 1 16.014885 11.529093 84.431664 0.063599 ... 2 16.014885 11.529093 84.431664 0.063599 ... 3 16.014885 11.529093 84.431664 0.063599 ... 4 16.014885 11.529093 84.431664 0.063599 ... 5 16.014885 11.529093 84.431664 0.063599 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 271 19.610915 11.593310 84.593310 0.082746 ... 272 19.610915 11.593310 84.593310 0.082746 ... 273 19.610915 11.593310 84.593310 0.082746 ... 274 19.610915 11.593310 84.593310 0.082746 ... 275 19.610915 11.593310 84.593310 0.082746 ... short_profile_3h_diff_bikes short_profile_bikes bikes monday \ station 1 0.000034 0.178112 0.160487 0.129905 2 0.000541 0.204308 0.208119 0.129905 3 0.000519 0.285002 0.227785 0.129905 4 -0.000288 0.223951 0.215562 0.129905 5 0.001486 0.234306 0.231217 0.129905 ... ... ... ... ... 271 0.000587 0.325572 0.273063 0.126761 272 0.000807 0.388180 0.573063 0.126761 273 0.001284 0.357220 0.451364 0.126761 274 -0.002690 0.762109 0.707864 0.126761 275 -0.002543 0.712500 0.720540 0.126761 tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday station 1 0.128552 0.162382 0.161028 0.159675 0.129905 0.128552 2 0.128552 0.162382 0.161028 0.159675 0.129905 0.128552 3 0.128552 0.162382 0.161028 0.159675 0.129905 0.128552 4 0.128552 0.162382 0.161028 0.159675 0.129905 0.128552 5 0.128552 0.162382 0.161028 0.159675 0.129905 0.128552 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 271 0.125000 0.163732 0.167254 0.165493 0.126761 0.125000 272 0.125000 0.163732 0.167254 0.165493 0.126761 0.125000 273 0.125000 0.163732 0.167254 0.165493 0.126761 0.125000 274 0.125000 0.163732 0.167254 0.165493 0.126761 0.125000 275 0.125000 0.163732 0.167254 0.165493 0.126761 0.125000 [275 rows x 30 columns]
# This function finds the centre of all the points through implementing a kmeans cluster algorithm with 1 centroid, it takes a dataframe as the argument
def find_geocentre(df):
# Utilise average bikes to get the mean value of longitude and latitude
average_df = average_bikes(df)
# Implement KMeans, from sklearn, with 1 clusters
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=1, n_init='auto')
# Fit the kmeans to the latitude and longitude[['latitude', 'longitude']])
return list(kmeans.cluster_centers_)
# Uncomment the below code to test the above function
# find_geocentre(preprocessing(load_training_data(1,275)))
# This function finds the distance to the centre for every station, it takes a dataframe as the argument
def distance_to_geocentre(df):
# calls find_geocentre to find the midpoint
centroid = find_geocentre(df)
# for every station, find the station's coordinates and then find the WGS-84 distance between them (accounting for earth curvature)
# store the result as the value for every entry of a station
# Using geopy as it implements WGS-84 (
for station in list(df['station'].unique()):
station_distance=geopy.distance.geodesic(station_coords, centroid).km
df.loc[df['station']==station, 'distance_to_geocentre'] = station_distance
return df
# Uncomment the below code to test the above function
# distance_to_geocentre(preprocessing(load_training_data(1,275)))
# Calculates the distance between a station and all other stations, then sorts them by distance. Takes a dataframe as the argument
def distance_to_nearest_stations(df):
# Creates an empty dictionary
# For every station create a station dataframe of only that station's values, then create an array of the station's location
for station in list(df['station'].unique()):
# for station pair, find the stations' coordinates and then find the WGS-84 distance between them (accounting for earth curvature)
# store the results in a list for the station
# Using geopy as it implements WGS-84 (
for check_station in list(df['station'].unique()):
if check_station != station:
# Using geopy as it implements WGS-84 (
station_distance.append(geopy.distance.geodesic(station_coords, check_station_coords).km)
# Sort the values and store them in the dictionary using the station as the key
return station_distance_dict
# Uncomment the below code to test the above function
# distance_to_nearest_stations(preprocessing(load_training_data(1,275)))+
# Finds the average distance between k stations, requires a dataframe, list of station distances in order, and a k value (defaulted to 1)
def average_distance_to_nearest_k_stations(df, station_distances, k=1):
# For every station go through the first k values of the list of distances, dividing each value by k to find the average
for station in list(df['station'].unique()):
for i in range(k):
# Store the distance as the value for every entry of a station
df.loc[df['station']==station, f'nearest_{k}_stations_dist'] = average_k_station_distance
return df
# Uncomment the below code to test the above function
# average_distance_to_nearest_k_stations(preprocessing(load_training_data(1,275)), distance_to_nearest_stations(preprocessing(load_training_data(1,275))))
# Finds the number of stations with k km, requires a dataframe, list of station distances in order, and a k value (defaulted to 0.25)
def stations_within_k_km(df, station_distances, k=0.25):
# for every station, go through the distances and add 1 to the count for every distance below or equal to k.
# Assumes order, so breaks on first value that doesn't meet the condition
for station in list(df['station'].unique()):
for i in range(len(station_distances[station])):
if station_distances[station][i] <=0.25:
# Store the distance as the value for every entry of a station
df.loc[df['station']==station, f'stations_within_{k}_km'] = number_stations
return df
# Uncomment the below code to test the above function
# stations_within_k_km(preprocessing(load_training_data(1,275)), distance_to_nearest_stations(preprocessing(load_training_data(1,275))))
# Function that runs all the 'Exploring Location' functions and returns the dataframe
def exploring_location(df):
station_distances = distance_to_nearest_stations(df)
df = distance_to_geocentre(df)
df = stations_within_k_km(df, station_distances)
for i in range(5):
df = average_distance_to_nearest_k_stations(df, station_distances, i+1)
return df
# Uncomment the below code to test the above function
# exploring_location(preprocessing(load_training_data(1,275)))
# Modified correlation function that reduces the values shown, requires a average_distance_to_nearest_k_stations for 1-5
def simple_location_correlation_matrix(df, show=False):
df=df[['latitude', 'longitude', 'numDocks', 'bikes_3h_ago', 'full_profile_3h_diff_bikes', 'short_profile_3h_diff_bikes', 'full_profile_bikes', 'short_profile_bikes', 'bikes', 'distance_to_geocentre', 'nearest_1_stations_dist', 'nearest_2_stations_dist', 'nearest_3_stations_dist', 'nearest_4_stations_dist', 'nearest_5_stations_dist', 'stations_within_0.25_km']]
# Uses pandas corr() to get correlation matrix
# If the function is called to show the function
if show:
# Sets figure size
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
# Plots the heatmap, with 1 and -1 as boundaries and annotations. FMT rounds the values in the figure
plot=sb.heatmap(correlation, cmap="YlGnBu",vmin=-1, vmax=1, annot=True, fmt=".2f")
# Adds a title
plot.set_title('Correlation Heatmap', fontdict={'fontsize':18}, pad=12)
# Saves the map as heatmap.png for later viewing.
plt.savefig('simple_heatmap.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
return correlation
# Uncomment the below code to test
simple_location_correlation_matrix(exploring_location(preprocessing(load_training_data(1,275))), True)
latitude | longitude | numDocks | bikes_3h_ago | full_profile_3h_diff_bikes | short_profile_3h_diff_bikes | full_profile_bikes | short_profile_bikes | bikes | distance_to_geocentre | nearest_1_stations_dist | nearest_2_stations_dist | nearest_3_stations_dist | nearest_4_stations_dist | nearest_5_stations_dist | stations_within_0.25_km | |
latitude | 1.000000 | -0.134558 | -0.019958 | -0.140002 | -0.000002 | 0.000064 | -0.248473 | -0.195587 | -0.139949 | 0.046926 | 0.044670 | 0.061238 | 0.033212 | 0.019192 | 0.012553 | -0.039158 |
longitude | -0.134558 | 1.000000 | 0.198852 | 0.216572 | 0.000097 | 0.000918 | 0.324791 | 0.210502 | 0.216655 | 0.015600 | -0.173437 | -0.195080 | -0.160594 | -0.143028 | -0.130643 | 0.108470 |
numDocks | -0.019958 | 0.198852 | 1.000000 | -0.143889 | 0.001580 | 0.001284 | -0.182501 | -0.195397 | -0.143243 | -0.223029 | -0.392536 | -0.299922 | -0.270895 | -0.254004 | -0.246160 | 0.470361 |
bikes_3h_ago | -0.140002 | 0.216572 | -0.143889 | 1.000000 | -0.232694 | -0.244500 | 0.475698 | 0.451505 | 0.678960 | 0.153801 | 0.072238 | 0.033434 | 0.039563 | 0.043197 | 0.049235 | -0.142489 |
full_profile_3h_diff_bikes | -0.000002 | 0.000097 | 0.001580 | -0.232694 | 1.000000 | 0.871116 | 0.369663 | 0.352138 | 0.263766 | -0.002281 | -0.001334 | -0.001056 | -0.001075 | -0.001122 | -0.001188 | 0.001321 |
short_profile_3h_diff_bikes | 0.000064 | 0.000918 | 0.001284 | -0.244500 | 0.871116 | 1.000000 | 0.312002 | 0.392555 | 0.262511 | -0.001694 | -0.000832 | -0.000532 | -0.000416 | -0.000435 | -0.000484 | 0.000900 |
full_profile_bikes | -0.248473 | 0.324791 | -0.182501 | 0.475698 | 0.369663 | 0.312002 | 1.000000 | 0.873589 | 0.646214 | 0.204242 | 0.135493 | 0.074712 | 0.071045 | 0.070768 | 0.075675 | -0.191238 |
short_profile_bikes | -0.195587 | 0.210502 | -0.195397 | 0.451505 | 0.352138 | 0.392555 | 0.873589 | 1.000000 | 0.642296 | 0.183947 | 0.114036 | 0.050962 | 0.046381 | 0.045245 | 0.051879 | -0.194993 |
bikes | -0.139949 | 0.216655 | -0.143243 | 0.678960 | 0.263766 | 0.262511 | 0.646214 | 0.642296 | 1.000000 | 0.152510 | 0.071453 | 0.032804 | 0.039053 | 0.042739 | 0.048800 | -0.141641 |
distance_to_geocentre | 0.046926 | 0.015600 | -0.223029 | 0.153801 | -0.002281 | -0.001694 | 0.204242 | 0.183947 | 0.152510 | 1.000000 | 0.498209 | 0.516526 | 0.548141 | 0.560127 | 0.578805 | -0.313437 |
nearest_1_stations_dist | 0.044670 | -0.173437 | -0.392536 | 0.072238 | -0.001334 | -0.000832 | 0.135493 | 0.114036 | 0.071453 | 0.498209 | 1.000000 | 0.883601 | 0.795692 | 0.745018 | 0.718233 | -0.659941 |
nearest_2_stations_dist | 0.061238 | -0.195080 | -0.299922 | 0.033434 | -0.001056 | -0.000532 | 0.074712 | 0.050962 | 0.032804 | 0.516526 | 0.883601 | 1.000000 | 0.968816 | 0.936948 | 0.913767 | -0.478593 |
nearest_3_stations_dist | 0.033212 | -0.160594 | -0.270895 | 0.039563 | -0.001075 | -0.000416 | 0.071045 | 0.046381 | 0.039053 | 0.548141 | 0.795692 | 0.968816 | 1.000000 | 0.991643 | 0.979736 | -0.388097 |
nearest_4_stations_dist | 0.019192 | -0.143028 | -0.254004 | 0.043197 | -0.001122 | -0.000435 | 0.070768 | 0.045245 | 0.042739 | 0.560127 | 0.745018 | 0.936948 | 0.991643 | 1.000000 | 0.995920 | -0.343126 |
nearest_5_stations_dist | 0.012553 | -0.130643 | -0.246160 | 0.049235 | -0.001188 | -0.000484 | 0.075675 | 0.051879 | 0.048800 | 0.578805 | 0.718233 | 0.913767 | 0.979736 | 0.995920 | 1.000000 | -0.324494 |
stations_within_0.25_km | -0.039158 | 0.108470 | 0.470361 | -0.142489 | 0.001321 | 0.000900 | -0.191238 | -0.194993 | -0.141641 | -0.313437 | -0.659941 | -0.478593 | -0.388097 | -0.343126 | -0.324494 | 1.000000 |
# Uncomment the below code to test
/opt/python/envs/default/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: Degrees of freedom <= 0 for slice ret = _var(a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, out=out, ddof=ddof, /opt/python/envs/default/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in scalar divide ret = ret.dtype.type(ret / rcount)
['bikes_3h_ago', 'full_profile_3h_diff_bikes', 'full_profile_bikes', 'short_profile_3h_diff_bikes']
Subgroup Exploration¶
This section explores subgroups within the data through visualisation.
# Takes two arguments, a dataframe and optional show. Returns a tree and its features (x value it was trained on)
def create_tree(df, show=False):
# Sets y to bikes
y = df['bikes']
# Uses feature wrapping to reduce the features, then trains the tree model on the features
features = list(feature_wrapping(df))
x = df[features]
# Create a decision tree regressor
tree = DecisionTreeRegressor()
# Fit the decision tree on your data, y)
# If show, create a figure from the tree
if show:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
plot_tree(tree, filled=True, feature_names=features, ax=ax)
plt.savefig('subgroups.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
return tree, x
import numpy as np
# Code from
def export_dict(tree, feature_names=None):
if feature_names is None:
feature_names = range(tree.max_features_)
# Build tree nodes
tree_nodes = []
for i in range(tree.node_count):
if tree.children_left[i] == tree.children_right[i]:
"feature": feature_names[tree.feature[i]],
"value": tree.threshold[i],
"left": tree.children_left[i],
"right": tree.children_right[i],
# Link tree nodes
for node in tree_nodes:
if isinstance(node, dict):
node["left"] = tree_nodes[node["left"]]
if isinstance(node, dict):
node["right"] = tree_nodes[node["right"]]
# Return root node
return tree_nodes[0]
# Takes a datafrane and show to pass to create_tree
def get_subgroups(df, show=False):
# Creates a tree and identifies the first nodes
tree, features = create_tree(df, show)
tree_ = tree.tree_
# Gets the subgroups through the export_dict function, then prints the subgroups out
# Commented out due to computational requirements
# export_dict(tree_, features.columns)
print("Extracted Subgroups:")
for subgroup, prediction in subgroups:
print(f"Subgroup Condition: {subgroup}, Predicted Value: {prediction}")
get_subgroups(preprocessing(load_training_data(200,275)), True)
Error in callback <function _draw_all_if_interactive at 0x7fe417b705e0> (for post_execute): Error in callback <function flush_figures at 0x7fe40dfd69d0> (for post_execute):
/opt/python/envs/default/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: Degrees of freedom <= 0 for slice ret = _var(a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, out=out, ddof=ddof, /opt/python/envs/default/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in scalar divide ret = ret.dtype.type(ret / rcount)
Traceback (most recent call last)
at line 120 in flush_figures()
at line 40 in show(close, block)
at line 320 in display(include, exclude, metadata, transient, display_id, *objs, **kwargs)
at line 180 in format(self, obj, include, exclude)
at line 232 in fun(*args, **kw)
at line 224 in catch_format_error(method, self, *args, **kwargs)
at line 341 in __call__(self, obj)
at line 151 in print_figure(fig, fmt, bbox_inches, base64, **kwargs)
at line 2342 in print_figure(self, filename, dpi, facecolor, edgecolor, orientation, format, bbox_inches, pad_inches, bbox_extra_artists, backend, **kwargs)
at line 95 in draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
at line 72 in draw_wrapper(artist, renderer)
at line 3140 in draw(self, renderer)
at line 131 in _draw_list_compositing_images(renderer, parent, artists, suppress_composite)
at line 72 in draw_wrapper(artist, renderer)
at line 3064 in draw(self, renderer)
at line 131 in _draw_list_compositing_images(renderer, parent, artists, suppress_composite)
at line 72 in draw_wrapper(artist, renderer)
at line 2032 in draw(self, renderer)
at line 39 in draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
at line 4352 in draw(self, renderer)
at line 4327 in _get_path_in_displaycoord(self)
at line 2732 in __call__(self, posA, posB, shrinkA, shrinkB, patchA, patchB)
at line 2710 in _clip(self, path, in_start, in_stop)
at line 370 in split_path_inout(path, inside, tolerance, reorder_inout)
at line 333 in split_bezier_intersecting_with_closedpath(bezier, inside_closedpath, tolerance)
at line 169 in find_bezier_t_intersecting_with_closedpath(bezier_point_at_t, inside_closedpath, t0, t1, tolerance)
at line 222 in point_at_t(self, t)
at line 215 in __call__(self, t)
# The below image can be accessed through the datalore 'get_tree' show
img ='subgroups.png')
Implementing Further Models¶
In this wrap-up section, a method for implementing different regression models is created. Alternative regression models are ran through the function.
# Function takes a dataframe and the regressor
def model_regression(df, regr):
# Identifies the standard target variables and features from earlier
target_column = 'bikes'
# Fits the model to the features and target column, df[target_column])
# Reads the csv file of test data
# Creates a bikes column to enable preprocessing
# Preprocesses to vectorise days of the week, but does not drop NA values
test=preprocessing(test, False)
# creates a second test df for organising the results
test_2=test.drop(columns=['bikes', 'Id'])
# Predicts using the regression
pred = regr.predict(test_2)
# Standard results format from earlier, with csv named after regressor and parameters
results_df = pd.DataFrame({
'Id': list(test['Id']),
'bikes': pred
results_df = results_df.set_index('Id')
results_df = results_df.round(0)
#from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
#model_regression(preprocessing(load_training_data(200,275)), RandomForestRegressor(max_depth=2, random_state=0))
#from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
#model_regression(preprocessing(load_training_data(200,275)), GradientBoostingRegressor(random_state=0))
#from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
#model_regression(preprocessing(load_training_data(200,275)), Ridge(alpha=.5))
#from sklearn.svm import SVR
#model_regression(preprocessing(load_training_data(200,275)), SVR())
# Results manually input from kaggle competition MAE
'Index': ['Results'],
'RandomForest': [3.14222],
'GradientBoostingRegressor': [2.16266],
'Ridge': [75.78044],
'SVR': [5.35377],
results.set_index('Index', inplace=True)
RandomForest | GradientBoostingRegressor | Ridge | SVR | |
Index | ||||
Results | 3.14222 | 2.16266 | 75.78044 | 5.35377 |